Community Events & News

Community Events & News Half Way Through 2024: Mid-Year Opportunities in the Real Estate Market As we approach the mid-point of the year, I want to take a moment to explain all that has happened in 2024 and where we might be headed. We have had strong price growth since December 2023, and in May 2024 prices matched the peak we saw in spring 2022. The interest rates and inflation-induced correction that […]
Community Events & News December is for Giving at Windermere North! The holiday season can come and go in a flash, with the pressure and stress of gift shopping, family obligations, and wrapping up the year. One thing that I love about my office is that we all make it a priority to come together to lift up our neighbors in need during this time of […]
Community Events & News New Agency Law Changes: Transparency, Consumer Protection & Commitment On January 1, 2024, major changes to the Law of Agency will go into effect. These changes result from the real estate industry in the state of Washington wanting to elevate the level of transparency and consumer protection surrounding buyer representation. Senate Bill 5191 was voted into law requiring adjustments in how brokers operate when working with […]
Community Events & News Win-Win: How to Overcome Interest Rate Pressure with Creative Financing Lately we have talked about life changes leading to real estate moves. Sometimes moves are brought on by joyful advancements in life and sometimes they are motivated by hardship. Then there are times when your actual house just doesn’t fit your life anymore and it is time for something different. Whatever might be calling someone to make […]
Community Events & News Should You Stay or Should You Go? Interest Rates Limit Inventory and Stabilize Prices There has always been a direct correlation between interest rates and home prices. The rule of thumb has always been when rates go up prices go down, and vice versa. This was temporarily proven true in the summer of 2022 when rates quickly rose by 2% (3.5%-5.5%) over 5 months. It created a price correction in the […]
Community Events & News Clarity Through Chaos: Using the Data to Guide Decisions I think we can all agree that we have been on a bit of a wild ride over the last 12 months in the real estate market. When the Fed decided to change its trajectory on interest rates in mid-2022, it created some chaos and confusion. When big changes happen, it is a natural reaction […]
Community Events & News 2023 Market Predictions, Fact Checked. Matthew Gardner, Windermere’s Chief Economist, is a valued asset to our organization and our clients. One of the reasons why we are fortunate to have him is his transparency. Every year, Matthew makes predictions for the coming year based on his extensive research and years of experience. Just this week, he reviewed his 2023 predictions […]
Community Events & News Let’s Dance! Prices Stabilize & Even Grow Amidst a Chaotic Interest Rate Market If we let the media determine the mood regarding the housing market, it would be time to shut the party down and call it a night. I’m here to report that the celebration is far from over and there is still fun to be had! While it is not all shiny and bright (it never is), we […]
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Community Events & News A Busy Legislative Session for Housing: 10 Bills Passed That Will Affect Housing in Our State On April 23rd the Washington State Legislature adjourned after passing 10 new bills that will affect housing. Some of the bills are geared toward creating more transparency around brokerage transactions, some are intended to institute more opportunities for building density to provide more affordable housing, and some are more regulatory to help guide and ease […]
Community Events & News Understanding the Difference Between Long-Term & Short-Term Interest Rates It is very important that consumers understand the difference between long-term interest rates and short-term interest rates. Long-term rates involve home mortgages such a conventional 30-year fixed, Jumbo, FHA, and VA loans. Short-term rates involve car loans, credit cards, and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs). While both types of rates have gone up over the course of […]
Community Events & News Housing Absorption Trends, Interest Rates Hovering, and Inventory Constricting. Three key elements to pay attention to when assessing prices and the real estate market. As we round out the first quarter of 2023, three real-time trends that help us understand what is currently happening in the real estate market are absorption data, interest rates, and inventory levels. Right now, the market is heating up due […]
Community Events & News Which is better, renting or buying?: The financial benefits of owning real estate. The financial benefits of owning real estate significantly outweigh the option of renting. Renting is certainly a must for some, and is what one may have to do while they build up to becoming a homeowner. Becoming a homeowner requires solid employment, good credit, and some type of down payment. Savings can all be built over time and […]
Community Events & News December is for GIVING at Windermere North! Between holiday parties, family obligations, work, and the pressure of finding the perfect gift, this time of year can come and go in a flash. At Windermere North, we never want this season to go by without coming together to lift up our community and give back in meaningful ways.   Our office-wide annual holiday […]
Community Events & News Key Factors to Note as the Market Recalibrates in the New Year 2022 has been an eventful year in the real estate market and the economy. After 2 years of pandemic-fueled demand and historically low interest rates, we experienced a shift. The Fed quickly raised rates (by 2 points) from April to October to combat inflation, curbing buyer demand as affordability took a hit. The overall economy […]
Community Events & News Matthew Gardner’s Top 10 Predictions for 2023   1 There Is No Housing Bubble Mortgage rates rose steeply in 2022 which, when coupled with the massive run-up in home prices, has some suggesting that we are recreating the housing bubble of 2007. But that could not be further from the truth.   Over the past couple of years, home prices got ahead […]
Community Events & News Returning to Normal: Buyer Affordability Dictates the Market While Sellers Retain Equity There is no doubt that 2022 has been one of the most eventful years in real estate. This is saying a lot after experiencing the record-breaking years of the pandemic. We will probably never see anything like 2020 and 2021 again. During this time the market responded to a historical event that motivated the rearrangement […]
Community Events & News Pumpkin Patches & Fall Activities Fall has arrived in the PNW and it’s time for cool mornings, warm beverages, beautiful colors, hay rides and pumpkin picking. Head out to a local farm for fresh produce and family-friendly activities. This is by no means an exhaustive list… there so many farms in our area, especially Snohomish County. Leave a comment with […]
Community Events & News Navigating a balanced market: property preparation, pricing & negotiations. As we experience the fall equinox, when the length of a day is equal to the night, we are also experiencing a similar balance in the real estate market. We define a balanced market to have 2-4 months of available inventory. This means that if no new homes came to market, we would be sold […]
Community Events & News Understanding the Current Shift in the Real Estate Market: How Interest Rates Affect Prices As we continue to examine the shift in the market, it’s important to take a deep dive into interest rates. Since the first of the year, long-term mortgage interest rates have increased 2.7% from 3.11% on 12/30/21 to the peak of 5.81% on 6/23/22. Since then, rates have started to level out. For instance, on […]
Community Events & News Summer Food Drive! Every year since 1984, Windermere has designated one day to help make a positive difference in the communities where we work and live. 2022 is the 7th year that my office has spent this day working to put fresh produce on the tables of local families who need a little help. On June 10th, my […]